Welcome to Essential Wellness by Nan

At Essential Wellness by Nan, I am dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness through personalized analysis and natural solutions. My approach focuses on identifying deficiencies and restoring balance using real food, vitamins, minerals, and supplements. My passion is helping you FEEL like your old self again! Gut balance, free of pain and illness, and the energy of YOUTH!


Epigenetic Hair Analysis

Our Epigenetic Hair Analysis provides detailed insights into your body's specific deficiencies, allowing us to create a targeted wellness plan.

It's a simple pull of 4 strands of hair from the back of the head.  Bald? No worries! We can use eyebrows too!

Functional Medicine Tests

Food Sensitivity, Stool Test, Organic Acid test, Adrenal Hormone Test, Thyroid Adrenal Hormone Test.  We will determine where you want to start and stop guessing!

We work to customize nutrition to your unique needs, focusing on real, whole foods to support your overall well-being. Finding the right ingredients to add balance and fight the imbalances in your cells!

Supplement Recommendations

I have access to a variety of Protocols based on the results of our findings

.Based on the analysis, we recommend high-quality, Natural supplements to fill the gaps in your nutrition and support your body's natural processes.

My top recommendations are Equi.life, Cellcore, and For Healthy Cells Optimal Health

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Epigenetic Hair Analysis?

Epigenetic Hair Analysis is a non-invasive method that provides insights into your body's unique needs and deficiencies at a cellular level.

How do you create customized nutrition plans?

We will suggest foods based on your dietary preferences, health goals, and the results of your analysis to ensure a personalized approach.

Are the recommended supplements natural and safe?

Yes, we only recommend high-quality, natural supplements that are safe and effective in supporting your body's wellness journey.

“Since working with Essential Wellness by Nan, I have experienced a significant improvement in my overall health and energy levels. Nan's personalized approach and expertise have been a game-changer for me.”

— Sarah Johnson


For those of you who may still be on the fence, my initial scan provided a list of recommended dietary changes to assist with areas that were of concern. By sticking to those recommendations, I am already feeling better and seeing improvement in my nails, skin and hair. I can't wait for my next one to see how much improvement I've made "by the numbers". I'm so happy to have this available in Preston.

-Amber Kay

Contact us

Reach out to us for personalized wellness solutions and start your journey to a healthier, balanced life.


Essential Wellness by Nan
Preston, Idaho, United States

About Me

Essential Wellness by Nan is committed to empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being. With a focus on Epigenetic Hair Analysis and natural solutions, I offer personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your wellness goals.  As a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner L1 and L2, my holistic approach addresses the root causes of imbalances and aims to optimize your body's natural healing processes.

I have been there!

I went to the Doctors, did the tests and bloodwork.  Always coming back with "Everything looks good" and "your labs are normal."

But I didn't feel Good or Normal!

I was given medication and was assured it would help me feel better and loose the muffin top.  I was given anti-depressants.  I was put on HRT.

Only after working with my own mentor for a year, was I able to look back and say Wow! I feel better than ever!

now I want to share that feeling with you!